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REL 124 Intro to Old Testament & THY 501 Hebrew Scriptures: History & Theology: Writing Assignments

Writing Assignments for THY 501: Dr. McCuistion's class from the syllabus

Research Papers: There are two research papers in this course

  1. Paper 1
    1. Topic: Covenant as the Core of Hebrew Theology
    2. Due 28 June 2020 at 11:59 pm (end of Module 4; Week 8)
  2. Paper 2
    1. Topic: The Law and the Prophets Wrote about Jesus
    2. Due 9 August 2020 at 11:59 pm (end of Module 7; Week 14)


  • Paper format
    • Typed, double-spaced
    • 1” margins all around with 0 pt. before and after each paragraph
    • Times New Romans,12-point font
  • Page Length
    • Graduate level:10-15 pages
    • Undergraduate level: 7-9 pages
  • MLA format
    • Appropriate citation for all sources are required
    • In-text, parenthetical citations will be used
    • A properly formatted Works Cited will reflect all and only the resources cited
    • Students must submit their research papers to the Dropbox that is linked to Turnitin
  • Required Resources: The following types of resources must be used in both research papers:
    • Textbook: Use of Boadt is required; the Reading Guide and notes of the Jewish Bible are secondary resources
    • eBook or Print Book: a minimum of three (3) books other than textbooks must be used
      • Common resources are Bible dictionaries and encyclopedias (standard dictionaries or encyclopedias such as Websters, Britannica, etc. are not acceptable)
      • Be cautious of Bible dictionaries and encyclopedias on the Internet; many are very old and do not have the advantage of the latest research
      • The Saint Leo Library has excellent resources that are full text and accessible from home
    • Peer-reviewed journals: a minimum of two (2) peer-reviewed resources must be used
      • Articles should be within the last five (5) years
      • If necessary, go no older than ten (10)
    • Websites are not allowed
  • Required Usage of Resources
    • The total number of minimum requirements for resources requires is seven (7)
    • The minimum number of citations expected for a paper of the following lengths is required:
      • Graduate: level:10-15 pages requires 25-30 citations
      • Undergraduate level: 7-9 pages requires 15-20 citations
      • It is anticipated that major resources will be used more than one time

Paper Assessments

Assessment Element

% of 100 points

Introduction that includes a well-formed thesis and structure statement(s)


Content that reflects a well-written, researched essay that demonstrates a working knowledge of the paper topic


Research based on the following types and quantities

  • Primary textbook (Boadt)
  • Paper or eBooks – a minimum of three (3)
  • Peer-reviewed articles within the last five years – minimum of two (2)


Writing (Grammar, sentence structure, readability, flow of content)


MLA Style




Writing the Papers

The topic should be presented clearly and succinctly.  Research should be written and supported and referenced in MLA style.  Dr. McCuistion prefers summarizing over quoting, and both summarizing and quoting must be properly cited.  Below are some short tips on summarizing, paraphrasing, quoting, and synthesizing.  

Paraphrasing is done when one restates or retells the words or writing of another person without using the exact words the original author used

Students must indicate throughout their papers when they are restating the words/writing of a journal article

Example of Paraphrasing: 

Hitchcock states that group and personal drive are the result of management's skill to inspire workers to complete the desired performance or targets (2017).  

Consider Using a Thesaurus to help you when you are trying to paraphrase!

How is Paraphrasing different from Quoting?  

Quoting is done when one uses the exact words of an author and quotation marks must be used.  If you do not paraphrase and need to use the EXACT words, you must quote - Example of A Quote:

Htichcock states that "collective and individual motivations are two outcomes of the leadership’s ability to motivate individuals and collectives to perform and accomplish goals" (2017, p. 30).  

2 Minute Great Video below illustrating this - tiny blue link below!  

Use a thesaurus to help you paraphrase!


Synthesizing happens when you bring together all the research on a topic and pick out the similarities and differences and noted outcomes, you begin to paint a picture of the current state of the topic based on the previous research.  So, you are just not summarizing and comparing and contrasting but making connections and ‘painting’ a picture of the current state of the topic. 

2 Minute Video Below on Synthesizing!