The article discusses the poem "MyLastDuchess" by the English poet RobertBrowning, with particular focus given to the centrality of painting and image in the poem, its exploration of subject and object, and the place of women in the poem. Browning's use of voice and various speakers in the poem is also touched on.
The author discusses the poem "MyLastDuchess," by RobertBrowning. The author analyses the rhetoric, language, and the use of post-structuralism theory that introduced concepts such as difference, decentredness and dissemination into critical discourse. It also states that language has became more prominent in Browning studies and also discusses that linguistic and cultural conventions sets itself against the arguments of earlier interpretations.
Document Information:
Essay last updated: 20111222
Accession Number:
Literary Reference Center Plus
Sample E-article on "Heart of Darkness" - JSTOR
Conrad's Critique of Imperialism in Heart of Darkness
Hunt Hawkins
Vol. 94, No. 2 (Mar., 1979), pp. 286-299 (14 pages)