Welcome to Living the Theatre!
Here you will find some helpful tips, tools, and resources to help you along the way.
If you ever get stuck and I'm not available, you may find what you're looking for right in these pages!
NOTE: This Guide is a work in progress and may be updated throughout the semester.
Hey there,
I'm glad you're here! Before we embark on this educational journey together, I thought you should get to know a little about me ...
I was born and raised in Tampa, FL. I spent the first half of my life in the Arts, primarily in the Performing Arts with a sprinkle of Visual Arts in the mix. When I started college, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I tried on a few majors until I ended up getting my first Associate's degree in TV/Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communication. I was THE female voice of our college station and it definitely fed my theatre bug by being able to play different roles, using only the sound of my voice. When I continued on to my Bachelor's degree, I decided to pursue a double major in Dance and Psychology, while still working as a touring performer and dance instructor. It got to be so overwhelming, that the creative fire inside me was quickly snuffed out, and I ended up dropping out of school altogether. Having lost my sense of purpose and direction in life, I decided to do the most logical thing -- I enlisted in the military!
Thankfully, my Associate's degree came in handy and I was given the opportunity to work as a Navy Journalist. I spent the next 10 years writing articles, taking photos, and experiencing more than I ever anticipated. In that time, I got to travel to and live in places like South Korea, Pearl Harbor, and Washington, DC. I also had the opportunity to meet some pretty amazing people, including my husband. By the time I separated, I had finally managed to finish my Bachelor's (in Business Management & Marketing), and I walked away as a published writer and photographer.
A few years and two kids later, I went back for my Master's degree in Creative Writing, right here at Saint Leo! I was an Officer in Student Veterans of America and a Founding Member of Omega Delta Sigma and really got to make my mark as one of the few female veterans on campus. It was also during my Master's, where I rediscovered and reengaged with my love of the Arts -- Performing, Visual, and Literary.
Which ultimately leads us to this moment, in this place, where I have the privilege to get to know who you are through this experience we will share together.
Jennifer Harman
As I find them, I will add some useful links and resources to this section