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CRM 430: Correctional Systems: Home

This course is designed to be a comprehensive overview of our government's response to convicted criminal offenders. The origins, evolution, processes, and current problems of correctional systems will be the topics of study. More specifically, the course

Library Instruction Objectives

  1. Be able to explain why it is necessary to know multiple sides of an issue.
  2. Demonstrate proficiency in finding a scholarly source in order to locate a scholarly article.
  3. APA 7th edition citations for an article (performance indicator: librarian demonstration and library research guide activity)


     Welcome to the LibGuide to CRM430! This guide is your starting point for research, APA format, and videos that will increase your success in this course. Please feel free to contact me for help with your research, APA formatting, and other questions that will arise as you write. 

To start finding great resources, just click on the LibGuide's tabs! You will find samples of appropriate books, ebooks, journals, databases, websites, etc.!