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UE: REL 223HM: Religions of the World I: Western Religions: Home

A study of Western religions, including religions of non-literate societies and ancient religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Course Description

A study of Western religions, including religions of non-literate societies and ancient religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. 


Core Value

Respect: Animated in the spirit of Jesus Christ, we value all individuals' unique talents, respect their dignity and strive to foster their commitment to excellence in our work. Our community's strength depends on the unity and diversity of our people, on the free exchange of ideas and on learning, living, and working harmoniously. 


Assignment Points Weight (%)
Module assignments (6) 120 30
Discussion (8) 80 20
Journal 100 25
Final exam 100 25
Total 400 100 %

Learning Outcomes

  1. To become aware of the importance of rites, rituals, and sacred space in both primitive cultures and in contemporary religious disciplines. 
  2. To foster respect for the various religious traditions while identifying similarities and differences. 
  3. To become familiar with the beliefs, codes of ethics, rituals, and history of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Zoroastrianism. 
  4. To become familiar with the religious founders and sacred texts associated with these Western faith traditions. 
  5. To gain a fuller, more objective understanding of the nature of religious life in general terms, without prejudice toward any religious tradition. 
  6. To learn the terms and vocabulary necessary for the study of western religious thought. 


Academic Honor Code

The Academic Honor Code is published in its entirety in the Saint Leo University Catalog. The first paragraph is quoted below: 

 Saint Leo University holds all students to the highest standards of honesty and personal integrity in every phrase of their academic life. All students have a responsibility to uphold the Academic Honor Code by refraining from any form of academic misconduct, presenting only work that is genuinely their own, and reporting any observed instance of academic dishonesty to a faculty member. 

It is the responsibility of every member of the faculty and student body to cooperate in supporting the Honor Code. Academic misconduct includes but is not limited to the following categories:


  • Providing or receiving academic work to or from another student without the permission of the instructor/professor.
  • Buying or selling academic work. 
  • Violating test conditions. 
  • Forging academic documents. 
  • Copying computer programs. 


  • Stealing and passing off the ideas and words of another as one's own or using the work of another without crediting the source whether that source is authored by a professional or a peer. 
  • Submitting an article or quoted material from a periodical or the internet as one's own. 
  • Retyping or re-titling another student's paper and handing it in as one's own. 
  • Intentionally or unintentionally failing to cite a source. 


  • Helping another student commit an act of academic dishonesty. 


  • Resubmitting previous work, in whole or in part, for a current assignment without the written consent of the current instructor(s). 
  • Having another student complete one's own assignments, quizzes, or exams. 
  • Lying to a professor. 
  • Fabricating a source. 

Please refer to the Saint Leo University Academic Catalog for more information on the Honor Code and procedures for adjudication.